Diego Garcia Has "Clarity" @ Muñeca Arthouse

Muñeca Arthouse in Patchogue, New York is pleased to present, Clarity, a solo exhibition by Diego Garcia.The collection of paintings displayed tell a vivid story of how it feels to find one’s way through complex emotional experiences. The artist challenges many genres of art including his own artistic vernacular which he has created for himself thus far. Styles like surrealism, abstract expressionism, street art and even landscape painting are touched upon by Diego in this new body of work. The painter relates to various techniques found in previous solo shows and presents new ones that expand his technical and artistic palette like never before.  

“Faith versus doubt. Certainty versus uncertainty. Confidence versus insecurity. Love versus fear. The human experience constantly demands an allegiance to either side of the spectrum. Life demands us to make a choice when it presents us with trial and tribulation. We can choose to either act in faith, or in doubt. I don’t mean faith binary to a specific religious practice. It could mean that for the viewer but it could also mean faith in self or in others. Faith in the greater good. Faith in humanity and love. I want the viewer to challenge their own personal understanding of the glossary of terms I use in the show. Hopefully getting the viewer to a place where they better understand their own emotional, psychological and spiritual intelligence.

"Human emotions are amplified positively or negatively depending on what you choose to act on. The perception of one’s life rests on the choice of either faith or doubt. That is why I personally believe making that choice is the hardest thing we will ever have to do. In my life I have found solace and understanding in the analogy that the search for clarity can feel like being lost in the wilderness. One can arrive at their choice of faith or doubt as a result of their journey through “the woods” and the interpretation of said journey.

"That concept has set the tone for this collection of paintings. The physical properties of the wilderness became motive for the artistic techniques used and gave me a fresh new way to expand my language on canvas. The paintings behave in a way that is dictated by the subjects and their nocturnal search through the woods. It is all symbolic of one’s search for answers; one’s search for clarity.

With Clarity l do my best at expressing what goes through my mind and heart as I try and make said choices for myself. I want to express feelings like love and fear and what they look like once broken down and examined. I want to address the complexity of searching for clarity. The message being to always, even in the face of doubt and fear, find a way to push through and choose faith and love.” —Diego Garcia

Jessica Valentin-Flomberg